In lots of instances planning approval for extensions can be difficult to achieve due to the restrictions of local planning policy. National permitted development rights can be the only option to achieve the development you need.
Generally it is up to a local planning authority to decide whether to allow a particular development or not. However, in England and Wales, the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 enables central government to permit certain types of developments known as permitted developments.
These are generally minor changes to existing properties. Permitted developments do not require approval from the local planning authority as permission is automatically granted by the Order however an application for a Certificate Of Lawfulness can be made to ensure the extension(s) is/are ‘permitted’.
Robert Street Architects can assist in reviewing if your requirements can be met by the existing guidance or if a full planning application would be required. The guidance can seem complex with detailed restrictions and conditions within each permitted development classes. See Planning Portal: Permitted development for householders (see above) for detailed guidance for householders or feel free to call and discuss your options.
There are further restrictions for certain areas and building types:
- Listed buildings.
- Conservation areas.
- National parks.
- Areas of outstanding natural beauty.